
Our Vision:  ScrantonMade strives to inspire the entrepreneurial spirit of artists and the creative community.

Our Mission: ScrantonMade’s mission is to bridge the gap between the arts community and the community-at-large through brand creation, publicity, social media management and event developing, marketing and execution.

Our signature events create opportunities for artists and the community to meet up, hang out and celebrate the creative spirit of our community.

At the ScrantonMade blog, we feature local artists, designers, musicians, entrepreneurs and events in the Scranton area; the place we love and call home.

Are you an artist who would like to be featured on ScrantonMade or interested in being part of future events?  We are always scouting out new people, places, events and ideas that fit within the ScrantonMade vision. Contact Chrissy at chrissy@scrantonmade.com.

Would you like to be a guest blogger?  Pitch your idea for article or DIY submissions to chrissy@scrantonmade.com.   

Would you like to be a blog sponsor or event pARTner? We're passionate about creating true brand collaborations with businesses whose mission aligns with our own focus on fostering creative community. 
Contact Cristin at info@scrantonmade.com.

Do you need a social media or  marketing pARTner for your creative event or brand? We have packages available for every budget.  
Contact Cristin at info@scrantonmade.com.

For press inquiries contact Cristin at info@scrantonmade.com

The ScrantonMade team: Cristin Powers, Chrissy Manuel, Samantha Nardelli